Seed Catalogs

I am really enjoying the seasonal life. Normally January would be a really depressing much but not so when you have seed catalogs coming in the mail. Each day I wait eagerly for the mail and hope for seed catalogs. Here is one of my favorites


I love the classic look of it. I feel like I am taking part in a tradition that goes way, way back through my generations, which actually is exactly what I am doing.

Of course seed catalogs like any other catalog are designed to make consumers buy something, and that is exactly what I want to do when I look at them. But rather then purchase some ready made item produced in a factory some where I am purchasing something to add to life.

This year we are examining the Slow Food USA “Ark of Taste” and selecting some varieties from there. I can almost taste it now!

I am still waiting for some of my favorites– Johnnies, Seeds of Change and Seed Savers Exchange.