I am a reader

I have always enjoyed reading. The only thing that got me through my broken leg the summer between my Junior and Senior year in High School was a trip to Barnes and Noble. My mom told me I could pick any books and as many as I wanted, her treat. It was great.

Recently Proeun gave me a great treat. While this time around it involved browsing the internet versus a trip to the bookstore, (sorry local bookstores but you’re all huge chains anyway). I was so excited to get my box this week. I haven’t been able to pick out which one to start on. The hard time is finding time. I also have kntting projects, and sewing projects and a house to keep clean, the list goes on and on. But at least I know I am raising readers. After taking the picture both Mavis and Avril enjoyed going through the pile. Now Avril is “reading” or perhaps a better way to describe it would be writing orally a story to me from one of the books. I suppose some day I will have all the time I want to read and look back and wish for babies to hold.