
One of Sophia Loren’s beauty secrets was getting enough sleep. She recommended going to sleep before midnight every night, even advocating a 9:00 bedtime–not an easy thing to do for a Hollywood starlight in the golden age but she made it work.

For moms it also can be really difficult, but I try. We are now over 1/2 way through our growing season and the fall weather is making us feel extra sleepy. The light is different, the mornings and evenings are supper cool and you just want to stay in bed all day. For the children and I we have brought back the afternoon naps–so nice. So at 1:00 (or as close to it asn we can get) we have story time (read by me) followed by a story on CD for the older children while I, Mavis and Effie take a much needed nap. Sometimes the older children fall asleep before their story is done but just having that quiet is so nice. This is my secret for running an organic farm and CSA, raising 4 children, keeping a home in order, writing on the side and staying sane. You can also bring a book to bed and read while the children nap. Allowing myself this quiet time every day is so great. Proeun has even gotten into and looks forward to the weekends when he can join us.