Pump It Up!

Sleep has been at a premium lately. Tempers have flared–mostly mine and it seemed like the week would never end. But yesterday we had a fine reprieve–a birthday party for neighbor and good friend Tovi. The kids had been looking forward to it all week, and honestly I was to. I was a wee bit worried when nap time rolled around on party day and it seemed to be more of the same old same old. But parties make really good incentive for naps and in the end everyone slept and was well rested when we arrived at Pump It Up! in Oakdale.

It was amazing. Pump It Up! features 2 rooms with 3 giant inflatable jumping arenas, obstacle courses and slides in each room. The kids played non-stop while I wished I had my camera. Luckily Angela, mom of birthday boy and fellow blogger (Blue Collar Daughter) came to the rescue with her camera.

Notice Two had a difficulty time staying still even at picture time. This is the only picture we were able to catch him in. The children spent 40 minutes in one room then moved to the next room for another 40 minutes. The look on Avril’s face when we went to the 2nd room in nearly indescribable.

Mavis on the other hand was content to play on regular old gym mats. Luckily there was also a toy car for the less adventurous–i.e. Mavis.

Then  at the end of the party there was pizza, cake and ice cream, and a king. Tovi even shared his crown with Mavis.

Sometimes when you are in the midst of a rough week and you think, “If I can just make it through today I will be fine,” you forget the importance of taking a moment and celebrating with friends and family life’s little blessings. Even if you can’t think of anything specific to celebrate at least burn off a little steam and have some fun. Thanks Angela for a great evening!