Treasures from the attic

Attics are wonderful places. What a pity many modern homes don’t utilize them, I suppose they are no longer necessary with modern insulation and storage options, but think of all the wonderful things we store up there and the nostalgia attics represent. This week I took a trip to the attic with a box of clothes already outgrown by my little baby. Here’s a couple treasures I found.

Wooden shoes my parents brought back from Holland when they went for the 40th Anniversary of D-day. Avril loves them I don’t remember them being very comfortable but she likes them.

A picture of 2 Effies. I decided long ago I wanted to name my children after someone. Effie is named after my grandfather’s aunt. The little boy in the middle of the picture is Jacob Zummach, my great grandfather. The father in the picture Ferdinand Zummach, my great, great-grandfather and the children’s great, great, great-grandfather. Effie is the little girl sitting next to her father. They were immigtants to, from Germany.

I knew I had this picture somewhere. Now I found it in the attic. What a blessing to have these pieces of family history, and a fun place to store them.